Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thursday and Friday Business

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were busy for the entire delegation. They reviewed, discussed and voted on a number of proposed law changes and resolutions. The issues ranged from a reordered constitution to streamlining of membership categories. There were 23 issues voted on, but in order to keep this post from being too overwhelming, it will just cover some of the highlights.

First up was a vote on a reordering of the constitution. Back in 2006, the board determined it was time to review the Sons of Norway Charter and Constitution. During the past biennium a committee was chosen and put to the task. They have since reordered the document to make it more user friendly and the resolution has passed.

Next, there was a discussion and vote on the issue of International Director Term Limits. The reasoning behind this proposed law change was that District Presidents are now serving multiple terms so their terms expire concurrently with the International Director's. Distrtict 3, who proposed this law change, felt that this stymied the development of good, capable people with fresh ideas who wished to become a DP. This proposed law change was defeated.

Members from District 1 had proposed a resolution for the International President to appoint a committee to review and help simplify membership categories in the next biennium. The reason being that current membership categories are many and complicated, which can hinder recruitment efforts of our members. This resolution passed.

Of course there were many other issues discussed, but in the interest of brevity we just wanted to give a taste of the issues being voted on. Please make sure to check your future issues of Viking magazine for a full report on the convention resolutions.

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