Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Gratulerer med dagen, Your Majesties!

While today is Independence Day in the U.S., it's also a day of great celebration in Norway. Today is the Queen's birthday! All throughout Norway, the day is being commemorated in a number of ways; people are gathering to wish Her Majesty the best of days and many to come, an official coin has been struck to mark the 75th Birthday's of both Their Majesties, and even Sons of Norway undertook a special project to celebrate the event.

Back in May we sent out a call to children throughout the organization, asking them to help us create a birthday present for Their Majesties, which was fitting because of their long-held dedication to the youth of Norway. Over the course of a couple weeks, dozens of children from all over North America sent us their drawings, containing heartfelt birthday messages. We then took those special drawings and had them bound in a special gift book dedicated by all of Sons of Norway.

The book was then delivered to the Palace by Sons of Norway CEO, Eivind Heiberg, to Their Majesties Deputy Private Secretary with a birthday message and a greeting from the entire organization.

So, with that, let's all join together in wishing both Their Majesties a rousing gratulerer med dagen!

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