Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Norwegian Experience: Syttende Mai in Oslo

As you know, this year marks the 200th anniversary of the signing of Norway's constitution. This means that the Syttende Mai celebrations were even more exuberant than ever and Norwegian Experience winner, Candice Jacobson and her guest, Jerry were there to report back. Here's what Candice had to say:

I cannot even begin to describe what I saw today.  The pride of the Norwegians and instilling that pride in the younger generations is unbelievable.  I am amazed at the number of immigrants who embrace the history of the country and were wearing bunads and whose children marched in the parade.  The parade was enormous and could be compared to the United States Fourth of July celebration at the capitol.

I watched the parade in front of the palace while my brother took many photos.  He has helped so much in the making of memories for me and I am very blessed to have him with me.  I ate a hot dog wrapped in lefse and ate ice cream.  This is the tradition here.

The children are so embraced for this holiday and it warms my heart to see this.  Borton has done a beautiful job in making the arrangements for this experience.  The hotels are very nice and the restaurant last night was very good.  As for the crowds of people I can't even begin to describe....the many bunads were absolutely beautiful.  While in Lillehammer I purchased the fabric to make my bunad using the Gubransdalen fabrics.

Tomorrow we are off for a day of sight seeing Oslo that has been arranged by Borton.  Once again I want to say thank you for this amazing opportunity.

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